Valve World in Düsseldorf (Germany): Learn from our Valve Experts how DBB Valves brings end-users a cost reduction of 30% up to 80% for installation – Booth 3C65 / 27 to 29 November 2018. Take part at our Lucky Draw: 1. Follow us on LinkedIn: 2. Draw a loose on our booth 3C65. 3. Get your special prize. Personal appointment? Please don`t hesitate to contact our Valve Experts: hashtagValveWorld hashtagdbb hashtagDoubleBlockandBleed hashtagProcesstoInstrumentValves hashtagCloseCoupledInstallations hashtagLuckyDraw
Design and Advanced Materials As a Driver of European Innovation
In recent years advanced materials have emerged and are having a major impact on the products around us. Coming from science and technology advanced materials can outperform traditional materials as they for instance can be tougher, can withstand higher temperatures, and can be tailored into new shapes.